
4 Replies to “Contact”

  1. Good morning,
    I am from the NSW Police Force and I am organising a two day training day for Sergeants and Senior Management on the 06/06/2024 and 07/06/2024. I was told that Mr Allan Sparkes would be a great speaker for one of the training days. Will Mr Sparkes be available during 06/06/2024 or the first half of the day on 07/06/2024? The location is at the Western Sydney University – Police Leadership Centre, Yarramundi (Richmond). If so, could I please obtain a quote. Thank you

  2. Are you open to review a proposal and pricing for your facility cleaning services?

    May I give you more information?

    Ashley Rosa
    Director of Operations
    GreenGlow Cleaners
    [email protected]

    Respond with stop to optout.

  3. Would it help to offer you a complimentary cleaning quote? When we clean businesses, we clean things that people are touching on a daily basis that you don’t even realize need to be sanitized and disinfected.

    Are you interested in a complimentary review of our new process and how we can help elevate the standards of your business cleaning?

    With best,

    Heather Butler
    CleanSculpt Crew
    [email protected]

    Respond with stop to optout.

  4. Hi, I am a Sergeant from the NSW Police Force and am the chairperson for the Youth Command Wellness Committee. Our EDO Sgt Janelle LAING has recently heard Mr Sparkes talk and believes he would be perfect for our Connect Teams meeting. We have 20-minute timeslots each month, the next meeting will be held on the 29th October 2024 at 12pm and we would love to have Mr Sparkes speak with our Command.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    David Blom

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